Monthly Archives: June 2011

Diving Head First Can Be Hazardous

There are some things you have to try at least once in your life.

That is one of the reasons why I am here now, writing this first post for a blog I have no sure confidence anyone will read. My second reason is not really a reason at all, simply an urge to write something of my own which is hardly reasonable at this time (College graduate, impending debt, no details necessary). I have been writing for others for so many years — essays, articles, reviews, a short 2-3 sentence paragraph answering a question too vague to understand — that I am ultimately tired.  This translates into a lack of motivation to do anything productive. I’m half tempted to live the rest of my years huddled in a dimly lit room playing online games that have no point while keeping a steady stream of funk and soul playing in the background, thrumming through my head until I can’t remember what quiet feels like.

This is the month that may, possibly, perhaps and most likely will change my life. I’m doing my own personal nanowrimo. 50,000 words in 1 month. Can I do it? From my past record I would say that the odds are poor. Nanowrimo takes place every November and every time I have stepped up to the challenge I’ve found a hundred other things to distract me. Which is why, now, I am attempting my own challenge this month and then diving head-first into the upcoming Camp Nanowrimo which first inspired me to do this.

Then, I got the insane idea that I’d keep a record in addition to writing 2,000+ words per day. This may turn into something akin to the rantings of a mental patient, but if it truly gets that bad I promise I’ll request a straitjacket to keep me from typing.

So here is to the first day!

Eat. Sleep. Write. Read. Repeat.

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Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Arts, Writing


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